Our Quality Plan


(1.1)  It is essential that services and systems are provided to conform to the requirements of the customer, and that the activities be affected as economically as practical.
(1.2)  The achievement of these objectives is facilitated by setting up working procedures and practices, which collectively provide a “Work Efficient”, yet controlled operating environment.
(1.3)  It is the purpose of this quality plan to give instruction to personnel, on the implementation of the company system such that the above objectives are accomplished.
(1.4)  Documentation specific to the project will be provided to ensure full compliance with the particular requirements of the contract.



(2.1) The project will be constructed in accordance with the specifications and contract drawings as listed in the drawing schedule.
(2.2) Copies of these items together with all working drawings will be held within the site offices of Remote Electromechanical Co W.L.L. distributed as follows: -




Project Manager

Contract drawings

Project Manager

Working drawings

Discipline Engineers

Drawing register

Project Manager / Discipline Engineers

Method statements 

Project Manager Discipline Engineers

Inspection & Test sheets

Project Manager

Quality Records

Project Manager


3.1.1) This section identifies key personnel in the company concerned with the Quality plan and describes the
responsibilities of these persons in relation to the system’s implementation.
3.1.2) The project organization structure is set out in a chart form. The key staff with responsibilities in relation to quality are: -

  • Quality Assurance Manager (Visiting)
  • Project Manager
  • Discipline Engineer
  • Supervisors
  • Storeman



The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible to the Contracting Manager for ensuring that the policy, system, and procedures as detailed in the Quality Plan are operational on the project.

He is to assist in the monitoring of suppliers’ performance and ensuring that the recommended action be fulfilled against all non-conformances together with monitoring the quality activities of the project manager. It may also be necessary for the Quality Assurance Manager to assist Site Engineer in carrying out an inspection at suppliers’ works and vendor evaluation where appropriate.


  • The Project Manager is responsible to the Contracting Manager for ensuring that all the quality procedures are fully operational on the site, including - Ensuring that revised drawings and documents are issued promptly to all work activity stations.
  • Monitoring the performance of appointed Sub-Contracts in relation to compliance with technical and commercial requirements of the contract.
  •  Maintaining a current list of calibrated test and measuring equipment and also ensuring that welding personnel holds current certificates and copies are available at all times.
  • Installation work and inspection procedures, defined in the work instruction are carried out in full.

In addition to the above, he will be responsible for executing the works to the contract specifications, budget, and programme and for ensuring that all written and inferred contractual requirement including those concerned with quality, plans are reflected in sub-orders.

Discipline Engineer will be responsible for the Project Manager, and in relation to project quality control will be responsible for: -

  • Inspecting and testing of the complete ElectroMechanical work packages and carrying out surveillance of work in accordance with quality plans and technical requirements.
  • Ensuring that all test and inspection equipment used for acceptance of the system is within the next due date of re-calibration.
  • Assisting in the acceptance of materials/equipment for conformance to technical specification or certificate.
  • Liaison with Sub-contractors (if any) and ensuring that the installation of their works complies with the specifications and drawings. In particular, they will ensure that any deviation from these documents and the quality plan is brought to the immediate attention of the Project Manager.
  • The setting out of the works in relation to the working drawings.



The supervisors shall be responsible to the Discipline Engineer for the supervision and workmanship of the direct labor force including that personnel engaged directly by Sub-contractors (if any).


The Storeman will be responsible for ensuring that documented records are maintained for all items received and dispatched from the stores.



The company standard procedures will be implemented for this project, however, should a situation arise where this may be detrimental to the project, or where an improvement could be made to a standard procedure the Project Manager shall be notified. With the agreement of the Quality Assurance Manager, a project procedure may be established and thus added to the Quality plan.


4.2.1) Drawings received from a Client or Sub-contractor will be date stamped on receipt. Sub-contract drawings will also be stamped after review with a “for approval” stamp. Prior to submitting to the Client or agent for their approval
4.2.2) Drawings that are obsolete, but are required for reference purposes will be identified by the word “superseded” and segregated from the place of work. Those not required for reference will be destroyed. (The responsibility for this action rests with the Project Manager).

4.2.3) All drawing issues shall be recorded on the drawing distribution list, which identifies the particular drawing, the revision, and date issued together with those members of the project team to which copies are being distributed. Copy Attached as Appendix A.

4.2.4) All sketch drawings that may require future referencing shall be given a unique sketch drawing number and copies of these, together with a sketch drawing register will be held in the site office.


All correspondence, which is received by the company, shall be date stamped and the signature of the recipient added. The Project Manager will then note any action to be taken prior to distribution to the relevant parties.


4.4.1) All materials received shall be checked by the storeman together with the Discipline Engineer to ensure:

  • They conform to the Purchase Order by the way of material certification or certificates of conformity.b) They conform to the Purchase Order and advice note in regards to quantity and that the goods are identified.
  • They have not been damaged during transit.

4.4.2) Non- conforming materials shall be marked “Not for Use” and shall be segregated. Supervisor to record nonconformance by raising a quality control note.

4.4.3) All material that is acceptable for storage shall be recorded on a stock record. Copy Attached as Appendix B. These materials shall be moved to a suitable storage area.

4.4.4) Materials by our Sub-contractors (if any) shall be protected from contamination as required by the contract specification. The Project Manager shall ensure that all materials held onsite whether installed or awaiting installation shall be protected against site deterioration.
The installation of sensitive components shall be left as late as possible, so as to limit possibilities or damage by other trades.


4.5.1) The following two definitions are the main types of variables used.

  • Changes of the scope of work to be confirmed by the Architect or main contractor and covered by an Official instruction.
  • Verbal instructions to be confirmed and an Official instruction sought.
  • Sub-contract variation instruction to be confirmed prefixing the Letters with S.C. to all Sub-contractors with CVI No & references.
  • Enter analysis data progressively in the variation log to monitor actions.

4.5.2) Agreed variations:

These are variations, which have been priced, and the net value formally agreed by the Client. (Each agreed variation should be entered in the variation log) See Appendix C.

4.5.3) Budget Variation:

These should include all work for which the client has given instructions, but for which:
a) A price has not yet been formally agreed Or
b) We have not yet submitted a definitive price to the Client. (Each pending variation should be entered in the variation log and an assessment is made of the probable costs and revenues).

4.5.4) Key Aspects:


4.6.1) The Contract/Project Managers are responsible for administrating the following procedure to ensure prompt action is taken by Engineering to resolve substandard work or materials.

4.6.2) All complaints received in writing will be reported on aCustomer Complaint from Appendix D, after lodging the complaint the Project Manager will acknowledge receipt to the originator.

4.6.3) Engineering Management will scrutinize the compliant for validity then formulate the required action, such as:

  • Visit the site with a back up if required of specialized technical assistance.
  • Remove the defective components for a more searching examination or rectification/replacement by suppliers.

4.6.4) In the event of a conclusion being achieved by the initial scrutiny, copies of the complaint form and a written reply will be sent to Main Contractor with copies to the Quality Manager.
Note: Investigating personnel compiling a complaint Document shall cover the following points:
a) Was the complaint valid?
b) Why did the complaint occur?
c) Are modifications to the installation required?d) Is further interchangeability affected after rectification
or replacement?
d) Is further interchangeability affected after rectification
or replacement?
e) Conclusion and corrective action.


4.7.1) All items of equipment and/or material that do not conform to the specified standard should be recorded on a quality control note detailing the title, quality, and nature and extent of the defect. (All items will be marked “not for use and removed from site forthwith” and no remedial work carried out unless authorized by the Engineer).

4.7.2) A decision should be made by the Project Manager to either Render to scrap (replace, do not replace), or rework to a specified standard. If the item still does not meet the standard after effective rework or a decision to accept without rework is proposed, then authorization from the Main-Contractor is sought.


4.8.1) All calibrated instruments will have a calibration sticker attached showing the next calibration due date. Each instrument will have a unique serial number and is traceable to the calibration certificate.

4.8.2) Prior to use of measuring and test equipment the operative will ensure that the calibration sticker is intact and the calibration due date has not expired.

4.8.3) If the operative / Engineer finds that the due date has expired he must report it immediately to the Project Manager.

4.8.4) Any misuse or damage to an instrument, whether accidental or otherwise must be reported. If an incident is reported as mentioned above then the Engineer must investigate the use of such instruments on previously accepted results.
4.8.5) The Engineer or Project Manager is also responsible for ensuring that our Sub-contractors also meet the above requirements.​​​​​​​
4.8.6) All test equipment used must be accompanied by a copy of the current calibration certificate, which will be held on file on site.​​​​​​​
4.8.7) Test instruments that may be liable to shock or high vibration levels during testing must be recalibrated on a regular basis and re-certified.
4.8.8) Any test equipment found to be damaged or suspected of being inaccurate during testing is to be replaced and test(s) repeated.


4.9.1) Purchase Orders shall define in detail the type of Component or service, making reference to specifications, standards, drawings, etc. Also any necessary requirement for test performance certificates and/or certificates of conformity.

4.9.2) Purchase Orders for manufacture and/or installation of a service shall request start and finish dates and/or cover long lead components/activity, for inclusion into National Electromechanical Project program. When inspection/testing at source is required this should also be included in the program and entered on the work instruction schedule, to alert the Main Contractor, should they wish to witness?

4.9.3) When the Main Contractor for recorded approval requires samples, details of the components and critical criteria will be entered on the Component Approval Report by the supplier (this form must accompany the Purchase Order requesting samples).


Remote Electromechanical work instructions are defined by formulating a schedule, which indicates the various installation packages of the works. Each installation will be classified as an activity and given a task number.
Provision is made for the supervisor to initial each task as being
satisfactorily carried out; this includes inspection, testing and
A final review of all the completed tasks will be verified by signing by the Project Manager to ensure that no task has been missed or incomplete


5.1) All the installations will have a unique reference for the purpose of inspection/testing methods.
5.2) It will be a condition in the purchase order, that wherever necessary individual sub-contractors will prepare inspection and test plans appropriate to their work activities.


5.3.1) Site audits will be carried out as scheduled
5.3.2) Recording of non-conformance resulting from a site audit will be recorded on an audit report form.
5.3.3) Comments on the cause, corrective and/or tentative action should be completed at the end of the audit, this also included the date of corrective actions to be implemented.
5.3.4) Follow-up action to verify that the proposed action has been completed should be authorized by the auditor or theProject Manager.


6.1) Those personnel responsible for the checking, testing, and inspection of the works will provide records at the time the activities are carried out.
6.2) Records of skill certificates and registration shall be maintained and held by the Project Manager.
6.3) The Project Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the stages of installation have adequate documentation and records.


7.1) The Project Manager and appropriate members of the site team shall carry out a monthly review of the Quality Plan. Should it be considered that there is sufficient foundation for an amendment to the Quality Plan then this will be carried out as appropriate.
7.2) General topics which will form part of the review will be as follows: -

  • Ensure that all management objectives are achieving the required results.
  • Discuss possible improvement.
  • Uncover potential danger areas and eliminate waste or loss.


It will be necessary to carry out an inspection and receive approval by an authorized representative at each stage of the work. Work shall only progress beyond each stage upon receipt of this approval.


9.1) The discipline Engineer ensures that the Client Engineer’s approval has been obtained on the appropriate submittal form.
9.2) The discipline Engineer shall check carefully that offered materials / Eqpt are complying with the approved materials / Eqpt as to makes, types, part Nos. and specs.
9.3) The discipline Engineer shall prepare the necessary purchase order complying to the relevant company procedures:-
a) The purchase order shall clearly state itemize descriptions, part numbers, units, quantities, unit rates, and corresponding amounts.
b) The purchase order shall state the delivery schedule, which must be in compliance with the work program.
c) The purchase order shall state the method and terms of payment.
d) The purchase order must ensure that the materials/Equipment are appropriately insured either by an inherent clause obliging the supplier to do so or by clearly stating that insurance is to be arranged by
Remote Purchasing Department.9.4 The discipline Engineer shall monitor the suppliers to make sure that the materials/equipment are being processed for timely delivery.
9.5) Inspection of materials/equipment on delivery to site as

  • Quantities to be verified jointly by the storekeeper and the discipline Engineer.
  • The discipline Engineer shall verify compliance of delivered materials/Equipment to specifications.
  • Any damage or short delivery shall be reported on the appropriate forms and brought immediately to the notice of the Project Manager.
  • The Project Manager shall report immediately to National respective departments (Stores, Purchasing and Accounts Departments), which are to report to suppliers and underwriters.
  • All above shall also be noted on delivery notes accompanying the goods.
  • Any materials received without appropriate documents, i.e. delivery notes, shipping documents etc must be brought immediately to the notice of the Project Manager.
  • He alone is authorized to accept or reject goods arriving without appropriate documents.
  • If goods are not for immediate use, these shall be repacked in their original packing in a manner commensurate with National storage procedure or Manufacturer’s storage instructions (The latter takes precedence)


These procedures are applicable for site stores and shall be implemented along with procedures governing Main Stores and Branch Stores.

The site storekeeper reports to the Branch Stores Department/Main Stores Department through the Project Manager at the site. The responsibilities of the site storekeeper:-
10.1.1) Receipt of goods/materials/equipment delivered to site from Main Stores (Stores Issue Voucher).
10.1.2) Check all items against delivery notes and relevant requisitions issued from the site.
10.1.3) Register all short deliveries/damages in the appropriate checklist forms.
10.1.4) Register the truck number plate and drivers name.
10.1.5) Issue goods received notice on the appropriate form and attach a copy of the checklist.
10.1.6) Report immediately to the Project Manager / Services Engineer.
10.1.7) Update stock records immediately and log each item in the respective pin cards.

10.1) Responsibilities.

10.2) Receipt of Goods

10.2.1) Receipt of goods/materials/equipment delivered through stock forward arrangement or direct purchase orders from third parties (Stores Receipt Voucher).

  • Before starting any receiving process, the service Engineer shall be asked to attend with the copy of his order for the materials.
  • The materials shall be received in the manner detailed in the procurement procedures. (A copy must be always available in the stores).
  • Short deliveries/damage shall be reported as detailed in the said procurement procedures.
  • All documents to be signed by storekeeper and Service Engineer.

10.2.2) Goods delivered without necessary documents:-

  • If materials/goods/equipment are delivered to site stores without appropriate delivery notes/shipping documents, the following procedure shall be adopted.
  • The Project Manager shall investigate the reasons leading to goods being delivered without documentation.
  • If he is fully convinced that there are no irregularities involved he shall delegate a senior member of his staff (Preferably the service Engineer) to attend the taking over of the goods.d) This shall be reported immediately to Main Stores/Purchasing Department and Accounts Department.
  • If the Project Manager is convinced that any irregularities are involved, he shall reject the goods and ask the truck driver to leave his site. This shall be reported immediately to the Finance & Administration Manager through the Manager Contracting Division.

10.3) Material Storage procedures

  • Materials shall be stored in a segregated manner to assure convenient and quick identification.
  • Access shall be maintained to each item/location.
  • The small item shall be in segregated compartments on shelves.
  • The bulk item shall be stocked appropriately and as recommended by manufacturers.
  • All goods shall remain in their original packing till issue to the user.
  • Chemicals and in flammables shall be stored in the special stores provided for this purpose at the site.
  • Items that are recommended to be stored in a temperate location shall be stored in the air-conditioned store provided at the site.
  • Ventilation must be appropriate in all stores areas.

10.4) Material Flow Follow-up

The following company documentation shall be available at stores and issued as may be the case:

  • Store Receipt Voucher: For goods delivered to siteor stores by the third parties.
  •  Stores issue Voucher: for goods issued from Main/Branch Stores.
  • Material Return voucher: For materials returned from site store to Branch / Main Stores
  • Delivery note: Materials sent/ Received to/from third parties.
  • Purchase requisition: From stores to local suppliers.
  • Non-availability Voucher: From store to site confirming non-availability of materials at the site.
  • Material requisition: From site to stores for issuing materials.

10.5) The Project Manager in consultation with the service Engineer shall decide the ordering level of each item on the site stock list.
10.6) The storekeeper shall inform immediately on material nonavailability form, the exact position of the stock prior to reaching the ordering level.

10.7) The Project Manager & Service Engineer shall decide if necessary to replenish stock or not.
10.8) Ordering procedures shall be immediately initiated if materials are further required.
10.9) In no circumstances shall stock deteriorate to a level leading to stoppage or slowdown of works at site.

10.10) Issue of Materials at Site: -

  • The Engineer shall assess his daily requirements, the day before, and prepare materials issue requisitions to the storekeeper.
  •  The storekeeper shall identify the materials and make them ready for issue to the site the next morning.
  • The receiving person shall sign the receipt on the issue Vouchers.
  • Any materials not used that day shall be returned to stores at the end of each working day. Under no circumstances, materials shall be left overnight at the work – sites.
  • The storekeeper shall log all issues every day and check his stock levels accordingly.

10.11) Tools: -

  • Small tools and tool boxes: Each tradesmen (Electrician, Plumber, Fitter, etc.) shall have their toolboxes stocked with all the standard tools of their trade. Any damaged item shall be replaced after presenting the damaged item. The loss is to be reported to the service Engineer and replacement shall be issued only on his instructions.
  • Meager tools – (Drills, Grinding – Machines etc): These shall be listed and kept in the stores and issued and returned signature appended on the Tools Log Book.
  • The final custody of these tools is the sole responsibility of the Storekeeper.

10.12) Consumables: -
Consumables shall be issued only upon receipt of a requisition signed by the Service Engineer. Any abnormal consumption of consumables shall be brought to the notice of the Project Manager.
10.13) Safety & Security: -

  • Smoking is strictly forbidden in the stores' area, appropriate signs to be provided.
  • No work whatever shall be carried out inside the stores.
  • Lights shall be switched on only when needed
  • Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accessible locations all over the store's area.
  • When the store is not attended electricity supply shall be switched off and all doors locked.